
Since the onset of the 1990s, education and culture have become priorities in Egypt, as the country exerts efforts to develop education at all level as the cornerstone of progress. Despite the huge efforts, the overall process faces many difficulties. In regards to the EACD, education is considered as the driving force for Egypt's development. Therefore the Association has built up a successful set of educational programs in its activity areas, closely collaborating with local CDAs and the Ministries of Education and Youth. EACD has for main programs : adult education, early childhood development by Kindergartens, Education through art (ETA),  and improvement of the education participation to stop violence in schools.

Early Childhood Development - Kindergartens

Early Childhood Development - Kindergartens

The first years of life are vital to a child's healthy development. It is a time of rapid brain growth, socialization, language acquisition and of mastering numbers. The objective  of EACD i …

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Adult education

Adult education

Illiteracy is a barrier to information sharing, participation and well-being. When parents are limited by their own lack of education, they are unable to provide stimulating environment, that the …

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